I played a bit with the experimental device lambdas that where introduced in CUDA 7.5 and promoted in this blog post by Mark Harris.
For the following example I removed a lot of stuff that is not needed to show my problem (my actual implementation looks a bit nicer...).
I tried to write a foreach function that operates either on vectors on device (1 thread per element) or host (serial) depending on a template parameter. With this foreach function I can easily implement BLAS functions. As an example I use assigning a scalar to each component of a vector (I attach the complete code in the end):
template<bool onDevice> void assignScalar( size_t size, double* vector, double a )
auto assign = [=] __host__ __device__ ( size_t index ) { vector[index] = a; };
if( onDevice )
foreachDevice( size, assign );
foreachHost( size, assign );
However, this code gives a compiler error because of the __host__ __device__
The closure type for a lambda ("lambda ->void") cannot be used in the template argument type of a __global__ function template instantiation, unless the lambda is defined within a __device__ or __global__ function
I get the same error if I remove the __device__
from the lambda expression and I get no compile error if I remove __host__
(only __device__
lambda), but in this case the host part is not executed...
If I define the lambda as either __host__
or __device__
separately, the code compiles and works as expected.
template<bool onDevice> void assignScalar2( size_t size, double* vector, double a )
if( onDevice )
auto assign = [=] __device__ ( size_t index ) { vector[index] = a; };
foreachDevice( size, assign );
auto assign = [=] __host__ ( size_t index ) { vector[index] = a; };
foreachHost( size, assign );
However, this introduces code duplication and actually makes the whole idea of using lambdas useless for this example.
Is there a way to accomplish what I want to do or is this a bug in the experimental feature? Actually, defining a __host__ __device__
lambda is explicitly mentioned in the first example in the programming guide. Even for that simpler example (just return a constant value from the lambda) I couldn't find a way to use the lambda expression on both host and device.
Here is the full code, compile with options -std=c++11 --expt-extended-lambda
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template<typename Operation> void foreachHost( size_t size, Operation o )
for( size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i )
o( i );
template<typename Operation> __global__ void kernel_foreach( Operation o )
size_t index = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
o( index );
template<typename Operation> void foreachDevice( size_t size, Operation o )
size_t blocksize = 32;
size_t gridsize = size/32;
kernel_foreach<<<gridsize,blocksize>>>( o );
__global__ void printFirstElementOnDevice( double* vector )
printf( "dVector[0] = %f\n", vector[0] );
void assignScalarHost( size_t size, double* vector, double a )
auto assign = [=] ( size_t index ) { vector[index] = a; };
foreachHost( size, assign );
void assignScalarDevice( size_t size, double* vector, double a )
auto assign = [=] __device__ ( size_t index ) { vector[index] = a; };
foreachDevice( size, assign );
// compile error:
template<bool onDevice> void assignScalar( size_t size, double* vector, double a )
auto assign = [=] __host__ __device__ ( size_t index ) { vector[index] = a; };
if( onDevice )
foreachDevice( size, assign );
foreachHost( size, assign );
// works:
template<bool onDevice> void assignScalar2( size_t size, double* vector, double a )
if( onDevice )
auto assign = [=] __device__ ( size_t index ) { vector[index] = a; };
foreachDevice( size, assign );
auto assign = [=] __host__ ( size_t index ) { vector[index] = a; };
foreachHost( size, assign );
int main()
size_t SIZE = 32;
double* hVector = new double[SIZE];
double* dVector;
cudaMalloc( &dVector, SIZE*sizeof(double) );
// clear memory
for( size_t i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i )
hVector[i] = 0;
cudaMemcpy( dVector, hVector, SIZE*sizeof(double), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice );
assignScalarHost( SIZE, hVector, 1.0 );
cout << "hVector[0] = " << hVector[0] << endl;
assignScalarDevice( SIZE, dVector, 2.0 );
printFirstElementOnDevice<<<1,1>>>( dVector );
assignScalar2<false>( SIZE, hVector, 3.0 );
cout << "hVector[0] = " << hVector[0] << endl;
assignScalar2<true>( SIZE, dVector, 4.0 );
printFirstElementOnDevice<<<1,1>>>( dVector );
// assignScalar<false>( SIZE, hVector, 5.0 );
// cout << "hVector[0] = " << hVector[0] << endl;
// assignScalar<true>( SIZE, dVector, 6.0 );
// printFirstElementOnDevice<<<1,1>>>( dVector );
// cudaDeviceSynchronize();
cudaError_t error = cudaGetLastError();
cout << "ERROR: " << cudaGetErrorString(error);
I used the production release of CUDA 7.5.
I tried this third version for the assignScalar function:
template<bool onDevice> void assignScalar3( size_t size, double* vector, double a )
#ifdef __CUDA_ARCH__
#define LAMBDA_HOST_DEVICE __device__
#define LAMBDA_HOST_DEVICE __host__
auto assign = [=] LAMBDA_HOST_DEVICE ( size_t index ) { vector[index] = a; };
if( onDevice )
foreachDevice( size, assign );
foreachHost( size, assign );
It compiles and runs without error, but the device version (assignScalar3<true>
) is not executed. Actually, I thought that __CUDA_ARCH__
will always be undefined (since the function is not __device__
) but I checked explicitly that there is a compile path where it is defined.
templated function as__host__ __device__
I think you can get past this particular issue. That will then raise compiler warnings, which could be safely ignored, or perhaps worked around with use of the__CUDA_ARCH__
macro, to get to a clean compile. At that point, I think you will then perhaps stumble onto some sort of implementation bug. I have no other info at this time. – Robert CrovellaassignScalar2
. There the lambda is used in the same way and is not defined within a__device__
function. – havogtassignScalar
functions resolves the error, but not the problem, because the function is only called from host (actually neither the host nor the device foreach is called when I follow the suggestion). But your comment made me think about a third version which I will add to the question. – havogt__device__
lambda within that function. This counter value is used in the substituted named type passed to the host compiler. Hence, whether or not a__device__
lambda is defined within a function should not depend on a particular value of__CUDA_ARCH__
, or on__CUDA_ARCH__
being undefined." – harrism