I'm having quite a bit of fun with the gcePersistentDisk in the context of pods inside of kubernetes:
Currently I'm attempting to get my rethinkdb cluster to work well with a gcePersistentDisk mounted volume in order to facilitate backups, data recovery, data integrity, etc. This is proving a bit more difficult than I originally anticipated. So, I have a few questions:
1: Should I even be attempting to use the gcePersistentDisk for this use case? Or should I be using persistentVolumes, and using the file system/persistentVolumes on my host kubelets in order to persist the data, and only using gcePersistentDisk when I'm doing a backup?
3: Pretty sure this is just a bug, but if you attempt to scale up a pod with a gcePersistentDisk mounted as a volume, it does not throw the usual:
'The ReplicationController "rethinkdb" is invalid:spec.template.spec.volumes.GCEPersistentDisk.ReadOnly: invalid value 'false': ReadOnly must be true for replicated pods > 1, as GCE PD can only be mounted on multiple machines if it is read-only.'
, but rather just hangs on the command line and loops forever when I view the kublet's logs.
4: Am I going completely in the wrong direction for solving this issue? And if so, how do I persist the DB data from my pods?