I am working on a jekyll / gh-pages site. I'd like to build a side bar that lists the number of posts according to a CUSTOM tag. So i can sort posts using different yml elements. It works just fine using the tags yml element and this code
<h3>Activities By Topic</h3>
{% for tag in site.tags %}
{% assign t = tag | first %}
{% for atag in site.data.tags %}
{% if atag.slug == t %}
<h5><a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/{{ atag.slug }}">{{ atag.name }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
({{ tag | last | size }})
{% endfor %}
But what i'd like is another block that is "Activities by Type" (we are trying to sort posts in different ways. I setup a topic-tag
yml element and a `topic-tag.yml file'
_data folder https://github.com/lwasser/data-lesson-catalog/blob/gh-pages/_data/topic-tags.yml org folder: https://github.com/lwasser/data-lesson-catalog/tree/gh-pages/org/topic-tag sample post: https://github.com/lwasser/data-lesson-catalog/edit/gh-pages/_posts/lessons/2015-09-10_dc-R.md
relevant YML from sample post
layout: post
catalog-entry-type: lesson
title: Data Carpentry R for Ecology
topic-tag: ["Analysis", "Vizualization"]
Code that is not working:
<h3>Data Activities By Topic Tag</h3>
{% for tag in site.topic-tag %}
{% assign t = tag | first %}
{% for atag in site.data.topic-tags %}
{% if atag.slug == t %}
<h5><a href="{{ site.baseurl }}/{{ atag.slug }}">{{ atag.name }}</h5>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
({{ tag | last | size }})
{% endfor %}
Can i sort posts by other tags (not just the tags yml element)?
The output that i'd like is something like: Analysis (2) Visualization (3)
If so, any suggestions as to why the code above doesn't work? I found another post on here asking something similar but the resolution was to use the yaml "tags"element which will not work for my use case. Many thanks, Leah