I'm still getting acquainted with the way Julia works and I have an encountered an odd error that I have been unable to surmount:
I have a composite type declared as follows
type Mesh
data::Array{TransferFunction, 2}
where a TransferFunction is another composite type that I have defined.
When I try and create an instance of this type (with an empty TransferFunction array) using a constructor,
my_mesh = Mesh((100, 100), (100,100), (1, 1), Array(TransferFunction, 2))
I get the following error message:
ERROR: `convert` has no method matching convert(::Type{Array{TransferFunction,2}}, ::Array{TransferFunction,1})
I'm not sure where the Array(TransferFunction, 1) is coming from. I'm assuming that this is a simple problem with a simple solution, but after delving through the Julia docs, I have been unable to find why this is error message is happening.
Anyone have any ideas?