I am extending a question I posted here:
If-Else Statement in knitr/Sweave using R variable as conditional
I would like to use an if-else syntax in LaTeX so that, depending on the value of an R variable (say x), one of two LaTeX text paragraphs are output. If x>0, then the LaTeX paragraph has a figure and a table. However, if x<0, then the LaTeX paragraph has just a figure (and no table).
I have a MWE that works and is based on the checked answer at the previous post:
<<setup, echo = FALSE>>=
knit_patterns$set(header.begin = NULL)
\\caption{\\label{mar:dataMtcars}Comments about mtcar dataset.}
x<- rnorm(1)
if (x>0){
myDF = data.frame(a=rnorm(1:5),b=rnorm(1:5),c=rnorm(1:5))
print(xtable(myDF,caption='Data frame comments', label='tab:myDataFrame'),floating=FALSE, tabular.environment = "longtable",include.rownames=FALSE)
<<condition, echo=FALSE>>=
text <- "Figure \\ref{mar:dataMtcars} shows the mtcars data set. The x value of \\Sexpr{x} was greater than 0. Table \\ref{tab:myDataFrame} shows my data frame."
text <- "Figure \\ref{mar:dataMtcars} shows the mtcars data set. The x value of \\Sexpr{x} was less than 0. We do not show a data frame."
Testing the code:
<<print, results='asis', echo=FALSE>>=
I then save this MWE as something like testKnitr.Rnw, and run:
knit(input = "testKnitr.Rnw", output = "intermediate.Rnw")
knit2pdf(input = "intermediate.Rnw", output = "doc_final.tex")
I am wondering if I am creating this code efficiently, especially because it was pointed out to me in my previous post that - in the case of just using \Sexpr{} - there were easier solutions. It is a bit cumbersome to knit twice here.
Is there an easier way to incorporate my if/else statement to display one of two paragraphs containing the variable value, figures, and/or tables, all based on the value of the variable? Thank you.