I just want to view product on front end which is being edited in back end . (Like View Product in woocommerce/wordpress) . Is there any settings in magento backend ?
I just want to view product on front end which is being edited in back end . (Like View Product in woocommerce/wordpress) . Is there any settings in magento backend ?
Create a new module add the below content in config.xml
and Create Grid Block (Stackoverflow\Preview\Block\Adminhtml\Catalog\Product\Grid.php) as follows:
class Stackoverflow_Preview_Block_Adminhtml_Catalog_Product_Grid extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Product_Grid
public function setCollection($collection)
protected function _prepareColumns()
if(Mage::getStoreConfig('preview/preview/enable')) {
'header' => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Show'),
'width' => '50px',
'type' => 'action',
'getter' => 'getId',
'actions' => array(
'caption' => Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Preview'),
'target' => '_blank',
'url' => array(
'field' => 'id'
'filter' => false,
'sortable' => false
), 'action');
return parent::_prepareColumns();
This will add Preview link in Product grid