
In my deferred renderer I create a FBO for my geometry pass where I store also a depth + stencil buffer into a texture with these parameters:

  • Internal format: GL_DEPTH32F_STENCIL8
  • Data type: GL_UNSIGNED_INT_24_8

and I can successfully populate this texture with depth and stencil.

The problem I'm facing now is how to use the stencil buffer created in my geometry pass in order to use it somewhere else, like when I do a directional light pass I'd like to process only the pixels covered by the geometry visible on my geometry pass.

So, how can I use the stencil buffer stored during my geometry pass for further use?

The stencil test is like the depth test, while rendering you are reading and writing from the same buffer. So if you want to use your stencil buffer in a later rendering pass you need to attach or blit it to the currently bound framebuffer.dari
Ok but I use the depth buffer as a texture sampler in my shaders. I've never tried to use it as the actual buffer in order to do depth tests and so I don't even know how to use the previously created stencil to do stencil test. So how can I use them? I've read that blitting doesn't always work.zeb
One thing to note is that directional lights should probably affect your whole scene and thus not require a stencil test in order to cull pixels. That part is mostly for light volumes and other bounded light sources.Entalpi

1 Answers


You can of course always use the stencil buffer for stencil testing. To illustrate how to use stencil testing on a basic level, here are the critical calls for an example where you draw in two passes, where in the second pass we will exclude all pixels that were not covered in the first pass:

  • When you clear the framebuffer, make sure that you include the bit for clearing the stencil buffer:

    glClear(... | GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT);
  • Enable the stencil test:

  • Set up the stencil function/operation to set the value in the stencil buffer to 1 for all rendered pixels:

    glStencilFunc(GL_ALWAYS, 1, 1);

    GL_ALWAYS specifies that all pixels pass the stencil test (i.e. no pixels are rejected). GL_REPLACE specifies that the value in the stencil buffer is replaced by the reference value, which is the second argument to glStencilFunc(), for all rendered pixels.

  • Draw the geometry for the first pass.

  • Change the stencil function/operation to only render pixels where the value in the stencil buffer is 1:

    glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, 1, 1);
    glStencilOp(GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP);

    GL_EQUAL specifies that only pixels at positions where the stencil buffer value is equal to the reference value 1 pass the stencil test, and all other pixels are rejected. GL_KEEP specifies that the current values in the stencil buffer are not modified in this pass.

  • Draw the geometry for the second pass.

But the way I read your question, you're looking for something different. You want to sample the stencil buffer from one rendering pass in a later rendering pass, similar to the way you can sample depth textures.

This is supported in OpenGL 4.3 and later. With texId the name of your depth/stencil texture, the key part is this texture parameter setting:

glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texId);

This specifies that the stencil part of the depth/stencil texture should be used for sampling. Only nearest sampling is supported for stencil textures, so make sure that you also have these values:


Not surprisingly based on the nature of the value, stencil textures are treated as unsigned integer textures. This means that the sampler type in the shader code needs to be usampler2D:

uniform usampler2D MyStencilTexture;

And when you sample the texture, the result will also be of type unsigned:

uvec4 stencilValue = texture(MyStencilTexture, textureCoordinates);

The stencil value will then be in stencilValue.r.