
Is it possible to have a NSWindow that still has a title bar but doesn't have rounded corners?

Ideally i would be able to do the following:

self.titlebarAppearsTransparent = true;
self.titleVisibility = NSWindowTitleVisibility.Hidden;

Leaving me with almost full control of my window rendering but still able to piggy back off of the default window control buttons.

I tried many combinations but it seems when the NSTitledWindowMask mask is present the window automatically starts rounding its corners.

Why don't you customize a borderless window for your needs?El Tomato
Because if i do that i need to create the close, minimize, and maximize buttons, and to my knowledge theres not a nice way to do this.Chad Scira
This seems impossible at the moment so i opened up an issue in relation to manually creating the buttons/controls stackoverflow.com/questions/32503282/…Chad Scira

1 Answers


I could not get this working for the life of me so my solution was to write my own custom buttons. This works fine for me because my NSWindow is already custom so there wont be a clash of style.
