
How can I plot (a 2D plot) a matrix in Gnuplot having such data structure, using the first row and column as a x and y ticks (the first number of the first row is the number of columns) and represent the rest of the values by a colour mapping so it can be seen on a 2D plane ?

4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
1 -6.20 -6.35 -6.59 -6.02
2 -6.39 -6.52 -6.31 -6.00
3 -6.36 -6.48 -6.15 -5.90
4 -5.79 -5.91 -5.87 -5.46

1 Answers


You can plot this data format using matrix nonuniform.

To get a heatmap you can plot either with image (regular grid, no interpolation, one quadrangle for each data point), or splot with pm3d (supports also irregular grids and interpolation, plots one quadrangle for four neighboring data points.

  1. with image

    set autoscale xfix
    set autoscale yfix
    set autoscale cbfix
    plot 'data.dat' matrix nonuniform with image notitle

enter image description here

  1. pm3d

    set autoscale xfix
    set autoscale yfix
    set autoscale cbfix
    set pm3d map
    splot 'data.dat' matrix nonuniform notitle

enter image description here