I am currently plotting real time gps locations and drawing polyline in below sequence with google maps v3.
var markers[];
socket.on(foo, function(msg){
"title": 'Location: ('+ address+ '), Time:'+time+',
"lat": msg.lat,
"lng": msg.lng,
"description":'<b>Location: '+ address+'<br>Time: time,
var marker = new google.maps.Marker({ // put marker
position: {lat:msg.lat, lng:msg.lng},
map: map,
icon: iconURL,
title: 'Location: ('+ address+ '), Time:'+time+'
//draw polyline between current and previous marker
I need to identify which markers are plot between time say 9.40 AM to 10.00 AM and need to highlight that segment of polyline. I attached time in marker's infoWindow. But I unable to identify the marker based on time it has put. Actually I need to track a flit and wants to highlight polyline depending on time range selected by user. Can anybody help me regarding this scenario?