
I'm trying to integrate Facebook Login in my IOS app. The error

-canOpenURL: failed for URL: "fbauth2:///" - error: "(null)"

is suddenly started coming now. My info.plist has following entries




It was working fine some time back. I tried to logout and login again but it won't login now.

P.S. I'm trying to login on ios simulator of xcode

Edit : This is happening just in iphone 6 simulator, rest of the simulators are working fine.

What is the version of your Facebook SDK?teamnorge
By the way, could it be because you have two extra spaces left and right to your keys values in between <key></key>?teamnorge
how do i check sdk version? It's not because of the space. I wrote them just here. I'll correct itcrysis
NSLog( @"%@", [FBSettings sdkVersion] );teamnorge
I'm sorry but I'm using swift and fb sdk does not have any class by the name FBSettingscrysis

1 Answers


I was having a similar problem. I had been using the FB SDK from 8/13. I switched to the updated version from 9/10. The file downloaded from their developer site is FacebookSDKs-iOS-20150910.zip