I find really strange behavior when I set wrapMode and then use html tags in Text component. You can try this example:
Text {
id: text
height: 32
width: 100
text: "<img width=\"32\" height=\"32\" align=\"middle\" src=\"http://vk.com/images/emoji/D83DDE0E.png\">"
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
Button {
anchors.top: text.bottom
text: "push"
onClicked: {
text.text = text.text + "<img width=\"32\" height=\"32\" align=\"middle\" src=\"http://vk.com/images/emoji/D83DDE0E.png\">"
If you start app with this code and wait until image loaded from web, click "push" button 2 times, and you will see that all images disappear! However if you remove "wrapMode: Text.WordWrap" images will not disappear when size of images becomes bigger that width.
So how I can fix it? I need to set width and word wrap mode, however I also need to use html tags in Text component