In my app, I used to have a search bar in the header view of my table view. However, I have added a search bar button item, and when a user taps it, I want a search bar to animate across the navigation bar, and the user should be able to search. This is kind of like the search bar in the Twitter iOS app. here is the code for my UISearchController:
self.searchController = ({
let controller = UISearchController(searchResultsController: nil)
controller.searchResultsUpdater = self
controller.hidesNavigationBarDuringPresentation = true
controller.dimsBackgroundDuringPresentation = false
//self.tableView.tableHeaderView = controller.searchBar
self.definesPresentationContext = true
controller.searchBar.returnKeyType = .Search
controller.searchBar.delegate = self
return controller
Here is how my UINavigationBar looks like right now:
How would I go about doing this?