I am working on a project and there are some parts which I have not developed. Right now I have to set a filter on a table, as we use rich faces, I wanted to use the filter as in the example from exadel.
However it doesn't work, I know it may be due to the filterValue
property, because I am not sure if I am pointing to the proper bean. Everything looks good but the filter is not there.
Any suggestions? How can I get to know what is the proper bean? This contains only the column that I want to filter.
<rich:dataTable var="_project"
value="#{projectController.showDeactivateEmployees? projects : projectController.getViewableProjects(projects)}"
rendered="#{not empty projectController.getViewableProjects(projects)}"
styleClass="simpletablestyle" sortMode="single">
<rich:column filterBy="#{_project.name}" filterValue="#{project.name}">
<f:facet name="header">#{msg.common_Name}</f:facet>
<h:outputText value="#{_project.name}"
style="color:#{_project.usedHours * 100 / _project.maxHours >= 75 and _project.maxHours!=0? '#d20f19' : '#000000'};">