
I am working on a project and there are some parts which I have not developed. Right now I have to set a filter on a table, as we use rich faces, I wanted to use the filter as in the example from exadel.

However it doesn't work, I know it may be due to the filterValue property, because I am not sure if I am pointing to the proper bean. Everything looks good but the filter is not there.

Any suggestions? How can I get to know what is the proper bean? This contains only the column that I want to filter.

<rich:dataTable var="_project"
    value="#{projectController.showDeactivateEmployees? projects : projectController.getViewableProjects(projects)}"
    rendered="#{not empty projectController.getViewableProjects(projects)}"
    styleClass="simpletablestyle" sortMode="single">
    <rich:column filterBy="#{_project.name}" filterValue="#{project.name}">
            <f:facet name="header">#{msg.common_Name}</f:facet>
            <h:outputText value="#{_project.name}"
                style="color:#{_project.usedHours * 100 / _project.maxHours &gt;= 75 and _project.maxHours!=0? '#d20f19' : '#000000'};">

1 Answers


The attribute name is just "filterValue".

What is proper bean is up to you, filterValue just has to point to some property where you want the value to be stored.