
When you look at the summary tile on a Logic App in the Azure Portal, it says '1 trigger, x actions'

Which made me wonder is it possible to put multiple triggers in a single Logic App? or do I need to create distinct logic apps for each function (and if so, why is it telling me there's one trigger!)

On a related note (this might be better in a separate question) when using the HTTP listener, is it possible to configure multiple Relative URLs or does that need to be split out into separate Logic Apps also


2 Answers


Yes, a workflow can have multiple triggers.

A workflow can have a maximum of 10 triggers and 250 actions can be defined.

You can have look on the Workflow definition language where "triggers" is an array.

NOTE: the work has to be done in the "Code" view, as the "Designer" does NOT support multiple triggers.


You can have only a single trigger per logic app. You can test and verify this by attempting to add 2 recurrence triggers to a single logic app. As it currently stands a Logic app is a single flow with out decision making.