I am trying to run DSum with a calculated field, CurrentCuotaPaid, within the function, but I am not sure if it is possible because there is no table to refer to in the DSum syntax.
Is it possible to run DSum with a calculated field within the function and refer to the query itself instead of the table?
Below is my full Select expression:
SELECT LlamadoDeCapital.ID, LlamadoDeCapital.TotalCapitalCommitted, LlamadoDeCapital.CapitalCallRequestDate, LlamadoDeCapital.CapitalCallDate, LlamadoDeCapital.CurrentCapitalCall, DSum("CurrentCapitalCall","LlamadoDeCapital","CapitalCallDate <=" & CLng([CapitalCallDate])) AS TotalCapitalCalls, [CurrentCapitalCall]/50000000 AS [%CurrentCuotaPaid], DSum("CurrentCuotaPaid","LlamadoDeCapitalQuery","CapitalCallDate <=" & CLng([CapitalCallDate])) AS [% Cumulative Cuota Paid]
FROM LlamadoDeCapital;
Here is the sample of the DSum function where I am using the calculated field:
DSum("CurrentCuotaPaid","LlamadoDeCapitalQuery","CapitalCallDate <=" & CLng([CapitalCallDate])) AS [% Cumulative Cuota Paid]
When I run the query, it gives completes the query, but in the fields "#Error" is repeated throughout the entire column instead of performing the calculation correctly.