
I'm working on testing with a Symfony2 (2.7.3) app and a page controller is failing to load a class only when a request is sent from PHPUnit (4.8.6).

The test looks like this:



namespace AppBundle\Tests\Controller;

use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\WebTestCase;

class PagesAvailableTest extends WebTestCase
    public function testpages()
        $client = static::createClient();
        $client->request('GET', '/contact'); // Throws the error

and throws this error when run with $ phpunit -c app/:

PHP Fatal error: Class 'AppBundle\Entity\ContactMessage' not found in SymfonyRoot/src/AppBundle/Controller/ContactController.php on line 28

When called through the browser, the page loads as expected. When called using $ curl -I http://localhost/contact, the page's status is HTTP/1.1 200 OK

I've looked at other similar questions that discuss problems with autoloading - but the Symfony docs suggest that classes should be autoloading without problems:

Just like in your real application - autoloading is automatically enabled via the bootstrap.php.cache file (as configured by default in the app/phpunit.xml.dist file).

<!-- app/phpunit.xml.dist -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- http://phpunit.de/manual/4.1/en/appendixes.configuration.html -->
<phpunit xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
        <testsuite name="Project Test Suite">

        <!--In my experimentation, I uncommented this and tinkered with 
            a few values. After having no luck, I commented it out again. -->
        <!--<server name="KERNEL_DIR" value="." />-->


How can I load these classes when using PHPUnit?

Your OP states you run phpunit -c app/. The -c option takes a file, not a directory. Perhaps you should be running phpunit -c app/phpunit.xml.dist.bishop
I appreciate the tip - but running phpunit -c app/phpunit.xml.dist doesn't seem to change anything. I am running phpunit -c app/ because it was the suggested command in the docs I refer to.HPierce
Curious on those docs, I didn't know (and am dubious) that -c takes a directory. Try running composer run-script post-update-cmd to update the bootstrap cache file?bishop
Nope, I edited my comment. Try again with composer.bishop
$ composer run-script post-update-cmd ran successfully - but I still get the same error.HPierce

1 Answers


I embarrassingly overlooked a critical detail: My application is running on a different PHP interpreter than my PATH environment variable points to.

When I ran $ phpunit -c app/, it used my OS's default PHP (5.5.20) - my site is running on PHP 5.6.10 as provided by MAMP.

I was able to get around this by providing my own path to the correct PHP interpreter when invoking PHPUnit:

$ /path/to/correct/php phpunit -c app/