
I have been troubleshooting this issue where I click on datapoint in geographic map and NOTHING appears. However, all other datepoints work as expected

Troubleshooting steps

  1. I deleted and re-created the tableau map
  2. I removed the offending datapoint, and all other datapoints worked
  3. I renamed the address of the datapoint, same problem

But then, I changed the latitude and longitude of the data-point and it worked.

Now when I revert to the correct latitude and longitude of the data-point it doesn't work.

Why on Earth doesn't it work?

Is there a certain way I should format longitude and latitude? This is how I formatted it:

enter image description here

Please please please help. I've been working on this all day.

This is screenshot of it working, when I select location from drop-down

enter image description here

This is screenshot when I select data-point from map and it DOESN'T WORK.

Notice how data at the bottom is BLANK, as if nothing is selected.

enter image description here

But if I select any other data-point on map it works

enter image description here


Proof of concept is here,

Notice when you click on Eat at Joes on map, the data display is blank, but if you select Eat at Joes from dropdown, then it works

Another update

If I go to dashboard, do rectangular select, this is what I get

enter image description here

If I go to original map and do rectangular select, I get this. It says 64 marks, 1 row by 1 column

enter image description here

And if I use quick filter, select Eat at Joes, it displays the data, including the name Eat at Joes

enter image description here

But if I hover over or select 'Eat at Joeson the map (not the drop-down), the name in the dashboard saysNoneinstead ofEat at Joes`.

And this happens to all data points that I hover over.

enter image description here

I uploaded latest workbook here

Update after calculated field

I dragged Cal_Loc to Details and it is aggregate (I am unable to change to Dimension) and not appearing in drop-down of dashboard panel.

However on lower left corner of Maps screen, it says 5 marks even though I see 4, which is still quite unsettling ...

enter image description here

Sohni, is there any chance you could publish your workbook somewhere? I have a few guesses as to what your problem might be, but without getting to look at the data/workbook, they can only be guesses. Maybe there's a way you could anonymize it? If not, I can just take some stabs at it.Andrew LaPrise
It would also be helpful to see a screenshot of the dashboard action menu for the action in question, as well as a screenshot showing what fields are put where in the worksheet in question.Andrew LaPrise
@AndrewLaPrise Ahhhhh, I will try to anonymize it somehow. As a quick fix, I slightly changed the latitude point, so now the location is 100 feet away from the building.Rhonda
Ach, that's such a ridiculous thing for you to have to do, I just don't know how to diagnose the problem without more information. So what's the lat/lng that seems to be the problem? You're saying that when you change the lat/lng for this point, and nothing but the lat/lng, then the problem disappears?Andrew LaPrise
@AndrewLaPrise Yes. When I change lat/long it disappears. But this is band-aid approach. Some tableau maps consist of 2000 points, and this approach is simply not possible. Will get workbook at earliest.Rhonda

1 Answers


There are two problems.

The first is that you're using ATTR(). Instead of putting the fields of interest into Tooltip as attributes, put them into Detail as dimensions. Filtering on an attribute is tricky (that *'ll get you into all sorts of trouble). For filtering, dimensions are usually the way to go.

The second is that you have lat/lng in the map as dimensions. Try changing them to a measure. If your dimensions (Location, Type) can uniquely identify every point on the map (and now that you've made them dimensions and not attributes, they can), then you can have the lat/lng averaged.

Your title problem is a known issue with Tableau. They've acknowledged the problem for about two and a half years now, but there's no fix in sight. Behavior with putting dimensions in titles is very inconsistent (a quick search through the Tableau forums reveals a pretty shocking number of people with your exact issue). I couldn't find a solution to your problem, but here's a hacked together one specific to your situation.

Make a calculated field:

IIF(COUNTD([Location]) > 1, 'Multiple Locations', ATTR([Location]))

Then replace [Location] in your title with that field. It just checks to see how many locations are present in the partition. If there's just one, it uses ATTR([Location]), which we can safely assume will return the name of a single location and not a "*". Otherwise, it returns "Multiple Locations", which you can obviously adjust to fit your needs.