Can anyone explain what happened? [...] I'd love to be able to delete that branch, but Git won't work for me.
By running
git branch SSLOC-201_Implement___str__()_of_ProductSearchQuery
in zsh, you did not create any branch. Instead, you accidentally defined three shell functions, called git
, branch
, and SSLOC-201_Implement___str__
, which ignore their parameters (if any) and whose body is _of_ProductSearchQuery
. You can check for yourself that this is indeed what happened, by invoking the builtin zsh command called functions
, which lists all existing shell functions:
$ functions
SSLOC-201_Implement___str__ () {
branch () {
git () {
Unfortunately, although the other two shell functions are not problematic, the shell function called "git" now shadows the bona fide git
$ which git
git () {
# but the real "git" is a binary file that lives in /usr/local/bin/git (or some similar path)
Therefore, you will subsequently get the error
command not found: _of_ProductSearchQuery
whenever you attempt to run a Git command, e.g. git log
, git status
, etc. (assuming, of course, that no command called _of_ProductSearchQuery
Side note
[...] I get the same error:
git:176: command not found: _of_ProductSearchQuery
(with the number after git
increasing every time I type a command)
That number simply corresponds to the value of HISTCMD
, an environment variable that holds
[t]he current history event number in an interactive shell, in other words the event number for the command that caused $HISTCMD
to be read.
See the zsh manual for more details.
And how do I get back to normal?
Simply delete the problematic shell function (and the other two you created by accident, while you're at it):
unset -f git
unset -f branch SSLOC-201_Implement___str__
Then everything should be fine.
What if unset
is shadowed also?!
Good question! I refer you to Wumpus W. Wumbley's excellent comment below.
Branch-naming tips
Avoid any special shell characters
Yes, as pointed out in the comments, parentheses are valid characters in Git branch names; you just need to quote the name appropriately, e.g.
$ git branch 'foo()bar'
$ git branch
* master
$ git checkout 'foo()bar'
Switched to branch 'foo()bar'
However, the need for quoting such names every single time when used as command-line arguments should convince you to eschew parentheses in reference names. More generally, you should (as much as possible) avoid characters that have a special meaning in shells, to prevent surprises like this one.
Use simple branch names
You should keep your branch names short and sweet anyway. Long descriptions like
belong in commit messages, not in branch names.
git branch "SSLOC-201_Implement___str__()_of_ProductSearchQuery"
works just fine. – Qix - MONICA WAS MISTREATED