
I am using kendo grid to display a set of records. But now I want to use Aggregates property to group columns and perform certain aggregate function on columns.

As per the below documentation,I can apply grouping on a single column,but I want to do grouping on multi column http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/grid/aggregates

Please suggest how can I acheive it.


In group,I tried to mention more than one field object,but while rendering the grid it grouped the last field that was mentioned.Nupur
Could you edit the question to include the code?pete the pagan-gerbil

2 Answers


You need to set the group option of the grid's data source as array. Here is some sample code:

  <div id="grid"></div> 
    var dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
      data: [
        { name: "Pork", category: "Food", subcategory: "Meat" },
        { name: "Pepper", category: "Food", subcategory: "Vegetables" },
        { name: "Beef", category: "Food", subcategory: "Meat" }
      group: [
        // group by "category" and then by "subcategory"
        { field: "category" },
        { field: "subcategory" },
      dataSource: dataSource

Here is a live demo: http://dojo.telerik.com/@korchev/OBAva


Because it was asked, and is implied in the question title: it is possible to group "together" and not hierarchically. It requires a change to the data model so that all the grouping columns are held together in a single object.

In the datasource, the model and grouping configuration might look like

  data: [
    { name: "Pork", cat_group: { category: "Food", subcategory: "Meat" } },
    { name: "Pepper", cat_group: { category: "Food", subcategory: "Vegetables" } },
    { name: "Beef", cat_group: { category: "Food", subcategory: "Meat" } }
  group: [
    // group by "category" and "subcategory" together
    { field: "cat_group" },

UPDATE for MVC integration:

If this is being done with serialized objects in ASP.NET MVC using an AJAX datasource, note that the grouping object must have value semantics (overriding Equals and implementing ==/!=) as well as implementing IComparable.