I am trying to show a dot plot and color the dots using the d$color
. In the current solution setting col = c("red","green")
is not dynamic. You can see the first point in the d$color should be green but it appears red. There should be 6 green dots and 4 red dots but there are 6 red and 4 green dots.
The data in the d vector will change all the time so hardcoding col = c("red","green") won't allow for the accurate dot colors. Is there a way to just use col = d$color?
r =c(seq(1,15,1))
binwidth = 1
dat = sample(r ,n= 1,size = n, replace = TRUE)
d = data.frame( x = dat, color = c(rep("red",n/2), rep("green",n/2)))
d$color[1] = "green"
dotPlot(~x,data=d, groups = color, breaks = seq(min(d$x)-binwidth,max(d$x)+binwidth,binwidth), cex = 1, col = c("red","green"))