I am trying to get my head around OOP in Ada. In order to do so, I need to understand how to name, compile and link package files with gnatmake.
This website (http://www.infres.enst.fr/~pautet/Ada95/chap22.htm) has good examples, but I don't understand how to compile the various bits of the program.
I am looking at e_c22_p2.ada and e_c22_p3.ada. From these I created a file called Conveyance1.ads and added the content of e_c22_p2 into this, and a file called Vehicle1.adb and added the content of e_c22_p3.ada in there. I used gnatmake Vehicle1.adb, but there are compilation errors.
e_c22_p2.ada contains:
-- Chapter 22 - Program 2
package Conveyance1 is
-- This is a very simple transportation type.
Wheels : INTEGER;
Weight : FLOAT;
end record;
procedure Set_Values(Vehicle_In : in out TRANSPORT;
Wheels_In : INTEGER;
Weight_In : FLOAT);
function Get_Wheels(Vehicle_In : TRANSPORT) return INTEGER;
function Get_Weight(Vehicle_In : TRANSPORT) return FLOAT;
-- This CAR type extends the functionality of the TRANSPORT type.
type CAR is new TRANSPORT;
function Tire_Loading(Vehicle_In : CAR) return FLOAT;
end Conveyance1;
package body Conveyance1 is
-- Subprograms for the TRANSPORT record type.
procedure Set_Values(Vehicle_In : in out TRANSPORT;
Wheels_In : INTEGER;
Weight_In : FLOAT) is
Vehicle_In.Wheels := Wheels_In;
Vehicle_In.Weight := Weight_In;
end Set_Values;
function Get_Wheels(Vehicle_In : TRANSPORT) return INTEGER is
return Vehicle_In.Wheels;
end Get_Wheels;
function Get_Weight(Vehicle_In : TRANSPORT) return FLOAT is
return Vehicle_In.Weight;
end Get_Weight;
-- Subprogram for the CAR record type.
function Tire_Loading(Vehicle_In : CAR) return FLOAT is
return Vehicle_In.Weight / FLOAT(Vehicle_In.Wheels);
end Tire_Loading;
end Conveyance1;
-- Results of execution
-- (This package cannot be executed alone.)
on the source files (e_c22_p2.ada
etc) to create the source files that GNAT expects. – Simon Wright