We have a number of installations built on WIX (Currently 3.9), which we for instance use harvest to gather the different components and it do flows really well. Everything is automated and we take the nightly build when we need the newest installation.
We need, like many other companies to patch one of many of the files in one or many of the installations, but it's really a pain to make sure we find the right file and also the right component in the different installations.
Is it any best practice regarding this scenario as I can't beleave we're alone with this setup? AND we don't wanna do an upgrade for just a few bug fixes.
Here's a scenario to be solved:
Release 2.0 is finally release, and we have a complete system installation together with a couple of different client installations and an optinal package.
And ofcourse we realised a few gliches in the software and the first, say 3 weeks we made some 15 more or less critical bug fixes in different parts of the system.
Now we feel we need to patch the installations out there, and beleave we need to do a patch project for each installation (MSI) which we then build and it gather the differencies and creates the patch to be able to quickly send out to those already installed the different parts.
Below is a snippet from a patch.wxs I did, but can't find a way to do it automated:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">
<?include "InitDefinitions.wxi"?>
<Patch AllowRemoval="no" Manufacturer="$(var.Company)"
DisplayName="$(var.InstallerProductName), patch $(var.Build)"
Description="Small Update Patch" Classification="Update">
<Media Id="5000" Cabinet="patch.cab" EmbedCab="yes">
<PatchBaseline Id="RTM"/>
<PatchFamilyRef Id="SP-$(var.Build)-Patch"/>
<PatchFamily Id="SP-$(var.Build)-Patch"
<PropertyRef Id="ProductVersion" />
As I understand it's here I define the changes,
but I like this section to be automatic populated during build,
or something
Are there ways to solve this?
Thanks in advance!