This is a screenshot of a QFormLayout holding a series of widgets. Note that the top and bottom input widgets are not horizontally aligned to the middle two rows. Note also that the labels on the left are not vertically aligned to the middle two rows.
The difference is that the top and bottom widgets are plain QLineEdit and QTextEdit widgets, the second row is a QWidget with a QHBoxLayout holding a QSpinBox and QDateTimeEdit, and the third is a QStackedLayout containing QWidgets each with a QHBoxLayout and API-supplied widgets inside those.
It looks like these middle two have extra margins. I can (partially) improve the situation by calling QLayout::setContentsMargins on the plain QWidgets' layouts. In fact, in the image above I already have, without that it's worse.
I haven't interfered with styles in the application, it's all system-default. This seems to affect Qt5 on Ubuntu 15.04, I don't think I saw this back when it was a Qt4 application.
I tried setStyleSheet ("QWidget {margin:0;}")
in the top-level widget, that introduced all sorts of problems. I also tried the variation setStyleSheet (".QWidget {margin:0;}")
but that had no effect. QLayout::setSpacing also had no effect, and setting padding:0
in the stylesheet doesn't fix it either.
Nothing I've tried seems to bring the spacing around these custom-layout QWidgets in line with the API-supplied widgets.
What have I missed? Thanks.
? – phyatt