I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to group data by a time interval of X days, starting from a specific date. I know how to group it by days, weeks, months, etc., but I'm stumped for arbitrary time intervals.
For instance ... given a SQL table with timestamp
and session_count
columns, I'd like to generate aggregations grouped by a time interval (in this case, 30 days) from a specific date (in this case, today).
So, if today is 2015-08-31
, and I want to look back over the past 90 days, then I would expect to get three results, each covering a 30-day period:
| start_of_interval | session_count |
| 2015-08-01 | 1234567 |
| 2015-07-02 | 2345678 |
| 2015-06-02 | 3456789 |
Ideally, I'd like to be able to specify an arbitrary number of days to use as the interval, and an arbitrary date to work back from.
This is the general approach I expect to need to use:
SELECT ROUND(CEILING(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(timestamp) / 2592000) * 2592000) AS thirtydays,
SUM(session_count) AS session_count_sum
FROM my_table
GROUP BY thirtydays
But I'm not sure how to specify the start date from which we should be working back from in the thirtydays
portion of the query.