
I've been researching different client-side Javascript modules workflows for my current Node.JS Express project, and I am having trouble deciding between using Browserify + npm + gulp vs RequireJS + Bower + gulp.

I would much rather use CommonJS rather than AMD since I like the syntax more, so on the one hand I am tempted to go with the former option... however, I really dislike the idea of sharing the same global modules for both the server and the client (what if I want to use different versions), and also, I'd rather keep my client dependencies flat rather than the way npm does it, so I prefer Bower to manage my modules... and so I am caught in this conundrum.

Is there any way to get the best of both worlds? Browserify-shim seems to be relevant... Any opinions in the matter?

Webpack will be able to give you CommonJS modules for your own code, and you can load external dependencies the AMD way. It's a very good manager.TbWill4321
Thanks for the tip man! I think I might just use that. Also, I came across Duo, seems like another interesting solution. I'll update this question later on after I find an answer I'm happy with laterJulian Grinblat
Take a close look at the number of commits for each options, as it will tell you how mature the solution is: Webpack has 1,481 commits, Browserify touts 2,037 commits, Require.JS has 1,319 commits. Duo has 70. Just food for thought.TbWill4321

1 Answers


At the end I went with System.JS and jspm, and I must say it absolutely solves all the problems that I was facing, and then some, flawlessly. It took me a while until I finally found out about it, but I believe this is gonna be the defacto standard for a long while so I'd encourage anyone writing a new project to just default to jspm.

You get AMD and Common.JS and ES6 support, you don't mix your node modules and client modules (node_packages and jspm_packages), and flat dependecies... what more could you need?

Thank you for your suggestions!