
This has gotta be something stupid, but I'm wondering if someone can help me out here. The following regex pattern match within a case class match is not working as I would expect. Can someone provide some insight? Thanks.

object Confused {

  case class MyCaseClass(s: String)

  val WS = """\s*""".r

  def matcher(myCaseClass: MyCaseClass) = myCaseClass match {
    case MyCaseClass(WS(_)) => println("Found WS")
    case MyCaseClass(s) => println(s"Found >>$s<<")

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val ws = " "


I would expect the the first case in the pattern match to be the one that matches, but it is not.

This prints

Found >> <<


1 Answers


It should be:

val WS = """(\s*)""".r

For your question, you want to match a pattern of spaces, In Scala,

A regular expression is used to determine whether a string matches a pattern and, if it does, to extract or transform the parts that match.

for extracting match parts we need to use group to pattern a string. It means that we need to use parentheses to around our pattern string.


val date = """(\d\d\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d)""".r
"2004-01-20" match {
  case date(year, month, day) => s"$year was a good year for PLs."