I want to parse the sentence "i am looking for a java developer"
. The output I need is language=java.
I created a grammar file as follows.
grammar Job;
eval returns [String value]
: output=jobExp { $value = $output.text;}
jobExp returns [String value]
: ind=indro whitespace var1=language ' developer' {$value = $var1.text;}
'i am looking for a' | 'i am searching for a'
language :
'java' | 'python' | 'cpp'
whitespace :
(' '|'\t')+
Here, in rule language
i am hard-coding a set of languages inside the grammar file itself. Is it possible to read the languages from a file and process the grammar accordingly ?
Input file should be like this
I am using antlr 4.5.1-1
(in the example a single token as a string) and let the programme use the input file to check, if the language is supported or not? together with an action you can ensure this check from within your grammar. – BeyelerStudios