The values you're used to see in Aggregate Report / Summary Report listeners are being calculated from the following metrics:
- timestamp
- elapsed
- success
- bytes
- latency
For instance:
- Average metric is sub of "elapsed" times for all the samplers divided by samplers count.
- Median metric is a common statistical measurement basically 50% percentile
- 90%, 95%, 99% - are also percentiles like median
- etc.
Depending on your skills set you can check i.e. class code to see how JMeter calculates averages, percentiles, throughput, etc. and implement some form of postprocessor, use MS Excel, LibreOffice Calc or equivalent on .jtl CSV results file.
If you need to get these results after JMeter run the easiest option are:
Vanilla Jmeter:
For more information on configuring Ant and/or Maven integration refer above links or Five Ways To Launch a JMeter Test without Using the JMeter GUI guide.
Using JMeter plugins:
0 Threads: 27/5000 Samples: 1 Latency: 5 Resp.Time: 5 Errors: 0%
1 Threads: 2350/5000 Samples: 142 Latency: 19 Resp.Time: 19 Errors: 0%
2 Threads: 4500/5000 Samples: 130 Latency: 51 Resp.Time: 51 Errors: 0%
3 Threads: 5000/5000 Samples: 153 Latency: 81 Resp.Time: 81 Errors: 0%