How do you do version control in Julia if you want to use it in a production environment. That is, most of the Julia packages and Julia itself have a 0.3.10 or similar version number, so you should be prepared for major interface changes in the (near) future, and especially when the first digit flips from 0 to 1.
My package status look something like this:
julia> Pkg.status()
4 required packages:
- DataFrames 0.6.9
- Gadfly 0.3.13
- Jewel 1.0.5
- Mongo 0.1.3
44 additional packages:
- ArrayViews 0.6.3
- BinDeps 0.3.15
- Calculus 0.1.10
- Codecs 0.1.4
- Color 0.4.7
- Compat 0.6.0
- Compose 0.3.13
- Contour 0.0.7
- DataArrays 0.2.17
- DataStructures 0.3.12
It is recommended that you use Pkg.update()
often so you have the most recent patches on all your packages.
If you need to update a package because of these patches or you need to use a new feature, you may break your code and there may also be dependencies between various packages, too.
Julia may be a mature enough language that does not have serious version-control problems, but I feel the need to poll the opinion of Julia users about their experience.