Hi I got a lil problem with a mobile handheld computer (Motorola MC9200) running Windows CE 7.0.
Within the browser (Internet Explorer + software like Naurtech CETerm) there is some font-smoothing or cleartype. Problem about that is that , and font with a css style of font-weight 900 for example look exactly the same as normal font. So you can't tell the difference.
Another problem would be the panning. I'm running a fullscreen web application and the user shouldn't be able to pan the whole screen 1 cm out. Funny thing is while the user is panning the whole picture the font-smoothing/cleartype is disabled and you can tell the difference between font-weights.
Anyone no a solution to that? I already searched the registry for cleartype and font but didn't find anything helpful. I don't have other WinCE 7.0 devices so I don't know if that problem is WinCE 7.0 related or related to the device.