I have a serious of if-else dynamic_cast to do downcast and perform specific subclass methods like the following. (I know using dynamic_cast may be considered something wrong in design.)
void cryout(const Animal* pAnimal)
if(!pAnimal){ return; }
if (auto pCat = dynamic_cast<const Cat*>(pAnimal))
else if (auto pDog = dynamic_cast<const Dog*>(pAnimal))
std::cerr << "No such animal.\n" ;
Then I want to change to let the parameter passed by reference to not worry about null pointer issue.
void cryout(const Animal& animal)
auto& cat = dynamic_cast<const Cat&>(animal);
catch (std::bad_cast)
auto& dog = dynamic_cast<const Dog&>(animal);
catch (std::bad_cast)
std::cerr << "No such animal.\n";
But this changes involve the stack unwinding when non-cat animal object passed in. AFAIK, stack unwinding could lead performance downgrade a lot. Is this casting by reference approach practical in my case?
BTW, isn't it strange to make "std::bad_cast exception" thrown in the normal working flow?
dynamic_cast<const Cat*>(&animal)
? – paddycryout
a method. But if I absolutely had to usedynamic_cast
, I would prefer the exception-free version for clarity. – paddydynamic_cast by reference
considered always succeeded or it will be a exceptional case. – Chen OT