
Building an App in Delphi Xe8
We can Submit the app to the store - and get no errors with the submit
After submitting an app to the apple store getting this message in the prerelease section

External Testing is not supported for builds that have been created with a beta version of XCode, OS X or IOS

enter image description here

The last time we were able to submit for external testing was 7 Aug 2015

Were running
XCode 6.4 (6E35b)
OS X Yosemite (10.10.5)

Tried to build using two different devices
IOS 8.4 (12H143)
IOS 8.4.1 (12H321)

We have also tried submitting a sample app in delphi XE8 and are running into the same issue.

This is the Delphi Generated app - the submit for external testing is disabled

Delphi Generated App

We have built another app using XCode - not Delphi - on the same machine and it can be submitted for external testing.

enter image description here

We also created an app using Xamarin and the External testing option is available

Xamarin Generated App

These were generated on the same MAC

Does anyone have any suggestions?
Has anyone been able to submit a delphi Xe8 app after 2015-08-25 and have the external testing enabled?

I successfully submitted on 8/18/2015.FMXExpress
has anyone been able to submit for external testing with a Delphi app from 25-07-2015?Dangas56
I submitted today (8-28-2015) too to Testflight.FMXExpress
Did you have to add any plist settings to get the external testing enabled?Dangas56
The only custom key we added was: <key>DTPlatformName</key><string>iphoneos</string>FMXExpress

3 Answers


FWIW, this appears to be related to issue RSP-11653, which suggests DTSDKBuild is the problem. For SDK 9.2, I was able to use:


We got it to enable "submit for Beta App Review"

Working External testing

came down to PList Settings

we have added the following to the Project > Options > Version info | for the IOS Device

right click in the Key Section and add the following
These are the settings that worked for us - may be different on other MAC's

DTPlatformname = iphoneos
DTSDKName = iphoneos8.4
DTXcode = 0640
DTSDKBuild = 12H141
BuildMachineOSBuild = 14F27
DTCompiler = com.apple.compilers.llvm.clang.1_0

PList info

Something must have changed within the last few weeks
Im not sure which of these settings were needed to make it work or if all of them were needed.


DTSDKBuild 12H141 equates to Xcode version 6.4 (build 6E35b). Updating it to 13E230 (bringing it up to Xcode version 7.3) resolved a similar issue for me when trying to do Test Flight External Testing.

I can't tell you why, but I suspect that since 12* allowed for compilation to iOS 7.x devices (and we can't submit new apps for release under iOS 7.x) that perhaps the error is more of an invalid version of XCode error than a beta version of XCode error.

As far as I know 6.4 was not a beta version.