Building an App in Delphi Xe8
We can Submit the app to the store - and get no errors with the submit
After submitting an app to the apple store getting this message in the prerelease section
External Testing is not supported for builds that have been created with a beta version of XCode, OS X or IOS
The last time we were able to submit for external testing was 7 Aug 2015
Were running
XCode 6.4 (6E35b)
OS X Yosemite (10.10.5)
Tried to build using two different devices
IOS 8.4 (12H143)
IOS 8.4.1 (12H321)
We have also tried submitting a sample app in delphi XE8 and are running into the same issue.
This is the Delphi Generated app - the submit for external testing is disabled
We have built another app using XCode - not Delphi - on the same machine and it can be submitted for external testing.
We also created an app using Xamarin and the External testing option is available
These were generated on the same MAC
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Has anyone been able to submit a delphi Xe8 app after 2015-08-25 and have the external testing enabled?