I've been getting a run-time 1004 error on VBA. I know what the problem is, but I just can't find a solution to this.
I'm using Microsoft Excel 2013
The sample data is as follows:
1 01/19/2015 40 0.250006538
52 0.052997791
58 0.010990106
2 01/20/2015 40 0.250001126
52 0.052997369
58 0.010990412
3 01/21/2015 40 0.250005088
52 0.052996605
58 0.010990819
And it goes on and on. What I intend to do is to extract the values of the data beside a certain number (e.g for 40, it'll be 0.250006538, 0.250001126, 0.250005088 etc.) and plot them on a graph.
What i've done so far is to Union the range together as such:
'checks for number 40
For each c In rng1.Cells
Set cellRange = Range("D" & c.Row)
Set cCell1 = Union(cCell1, cellRange)
And i've also tried this method:
'checks for number 40
For each c In rng1.Cells
If Not s = vbNullString Then
s = s & "," & Range("D" & c.Row).address
s = Range("D" & c.Row).address
End If
The end result i'll get is either a cCell1 variable or s variable with a list of addresses.
The problem is when I try to plot the graph on a chart with
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = Range(cCell1.address)
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = Range(s)
It stops and gives me a runtime-error '1004'.
I assume this is happening because the addresses in the variables are too long to be processed by the Range function... The datasheet i'm working with has hundreds to thousands of data, and the graph has to be plotted according to the number of points.
Is there any workarounds to this? Thank you so much!
debug.print range(s).address(external:=true)
? – user4039065