I have an Angular-Meteor application working. I would like to package Angular templates and associated controller into a Meteor package, and inject these templates into my main application by adding that package.
What is best approach?
Update 2015-08-26 - I figured out how to add a template, documented below. But how to have a Meteor package inject the template's Angular controller into the base application?
A key tie-in is Angular UI-router.
I have a base application that includes my package named packageprefix:packagename. Inside this package I have my code in the root of the package folder: myPackagedPage.ng.html - the Angular HTML template myPackagedPage.js - the associated Angular controller
From my main application, I tried creating a route to my Angular template like so:
.config(['$urlRouterProvider', '$stateProvider', '$locationProvider',
function($urlRouterProvider, $stateProvider, $locationProvider){
console.log("app.js config!");
.state('home', {
url: '/',
templateUrl: 'client/views/home/home.ng.html',
controller: 'HomeCtrl'
.state('myPackagedPage', {
url: '/myPackagedPage',
templateUrl: 'packageprefix_packagename/myPackagedPage.ng.html',
controller: 'MyPackagedPageCtrl'
The application successfully finds the myPackagedPage.ng.html file and renders it. But how to add the controller?
I tried adding this in my package but the controller functions does not get called.
console.log("myPackagedPage.js loaded");
.controller('MyPackagedPageCtrl', ['$scope',
I get an error:
Argument 'MyPackagedPageCtrl' is not a function, got undefined