
I have an Angular-Meteor application working. I would like to package Angular templates and associated controller into a Meteor package, and inject these templates into my main application by adding that package.

What is best approach?

Update 2015-08-26 - I figured out how to add a template, documented below. But how to have a Meteor package inject the template's Angular controller into the base application?

A key tie-in is Angular UI-router.

I have a base application that includes my package named packageprefix:packagename. Inside this package I have my code in the root of the package folder: myPackagedPage.ng.html - the Angular HTML template myPackagedPage.js - the associated Angular controller

From my main application, I tried creating a route to my Angular template like so:


.config(['$urlRouterProvider', '$stateProvider', '$locationProvider',
function($urlRouterProvider, $stateProvider, $locationProvider){
    console.log("app.js config!");

        .state('home', {
            url: '/',
            templateUrl: 'client/views/home/home.ng.html',
            controller: 'HomeCtrl'

        .state('myPackagedPage', {
            url: '/myPackagedPage',
            templateUrl: 'packageprefix_packagename/myPackagedPage.ng.html',
            controller: 'MyPackagedPageCtrl'



The application successfully finds the myPackagedPage.ng.html file and renders it. But how to add the controller?

I tried adding this in my package but the controller functions does not get called.

console.log("myPackagedPage.js loaded");

.controller('MyPackagedPageCtrl', ['$scope',

I get an error:

Argument 'MyPackagedPageCtrl' is not a function, got undefined

1 Answers


I have this working now. Here is the approach that works for me, to inject an Angular Controller + template in a Meteor package, into the containing application.

In my package.js, I have this

Package.onUse(function(api) {
    api.use('angular:[email protected]', 'client');
    api.use("urigo:[email protected]", 'client');
    api.use("[email protected]", 'client');

    //api.use('angularui:[email protected]', 'client');
    api.addFiles('interests.js', 'client');
    api.addFiles('interests.ng.html', 'client');

    api.export("InterestsCtrl", "client")

Note you must export your controller, so that the parent application may access it.

In my package, called ramshackle:bigd-interests, I have these files at the root level: package.js, interests.ng.html, and interests.js. interests.js injects the Angular controller, the Anguilar UI-router route to the template, and a sidebar link into the parent application. It accomplishes this by using the Meteor Session. I played with other means of doing this but Session was the only thing that worked. Just be careful to properly scope your session variable names.

//add controllers
var controllers = Session.get("BIGD.controllers");
if (!controllers) controllers = {};

var interestsCtrlSpec = "'$scope', InterestsCtrl";

InterestsCtrl = function($scope){
    console.log("InterestsCtrl running");
controllers.InterestsCtrl = interestsCtrlSpec;
Session.set("BIGD.controllers", controllers);

//add routes
var routes = Session.get("BIGD.routes");
if (!routes) routes = {};
routes.interests = {
    url: '/interests',
    templateUrl: 'ramshackle_bigd-interests_interests.ng.html',
    controller: 'InterestsCtrl'
Session.set("BIGD.routes", routes);

//add sidebar links
//the key determines sorting order
var sidebar = Session.get("BIGD.sidebar");
if (!sidebar) sidebar = {};
sidebar["interests"] = {
    url: '/interests',
    templateUrl: 'ramshackle_bigd-interests_interests.ng.html',
    controller: 'InterestsCtrl',
    rank: 5
Session.set("BIGD.sidebar", sidebar);

var interestsItem = {label: 'Interests', link: '/interests', icon: "rocket"};

In my parent application's app.js , I dynamically loaded the controllers and routes from the session like this:


    .config(['$urlRouterProvider', '$stateProvider', '$locationProvider',
    function($urlRouterProvider, $stateProvider, $locationProvider){
        //console.log("app.js config!");

        //add a static state
            .state('home', {
                url: '/',
                templateUrl: 'client/views/home/home.ng.html',
                controller: 'HomeCtrl'

        //add the dynamic routes/states from other Meteor packages
        for (var stateId in routes) {
            var route = routes[stateId];
                .state(stateId, route);


//Declare the controllers from plugins
for (var controllerId in controllers) {
    var controllerSpec = controllers[controllerId];
    var controllerSpecArray = eval("[" + controllerSpec + "]")
    angular.module('bigdam').controller(controllerId, controllerSpecArray);

So now, when I create a new Meteor package, and follow the convention described above, its controllers, routes, and sidebar links get loaded into the main application.