
We are new to angular2 development. We tried some Starter projects from GitHub but they failed to install on my machine. I successfully set up NPM and TSD for corporate proxy but JSPM failed to work. I have configured HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY system environment variables on windows.Whenever i install anything using jspm, i get the following error like this.

Error on locate for github:components/COMPONENT_NAME
Error: unable to verify the first certificate

also for GIT i have executed the following command:

git config --global http.sslVerify false

i couldnt figure out the solution. Or is there any other way of configuring JSPM and GIT for a corporate proxy?


1 Answers


What worked for me was using CnTlm and setting the HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY environment variables in Windows to http://localhost:3128

Note: if you use gitbash, remember to set the environment variables there as well.