I'm still new to R, trying to learn how to use the library vegan, which I can easily plot in R with the normal plot function. The problem arises when I want to plot the data in ggplot. I know I have to extract the right data from the list I've created, but which and how? The dataset I've been practicing on can be downloaded here https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1PQGov60aoudVR3dVZBX1VKaHc/view?usp=sharing The code I've been using to get the data transformed is this:
data <- read.csv(file = "People.csv", header = T, sep = ",", dec = ".", check.names = F, na.strings=c("NA", "-", "?"))
data2 <- data[,-1]
rownames(data2) <- data[,1]
data2 <- scale(data2, center = T, scale = apply(data2, 2, sd))
data2.pca <- rda(data2)
Which gives me a list I can plot using the basic "plot" and "biplot" function, but I am at a loss as to how to plot both PCA and biplot in ggplot. I would also like to color the data points by group, e.g. sex. Any help would be great.