I'm building a OS X application using Swift and Xcode 6.4 on OS X 10.10.5. On a specific view of my application I would like to have a view like this one Xcode has on the Data Model Editor.
I tried to replicate this view using an OutlineView where each "row" would have a title and a TableView plus two buttons (for the plus and minus buttons). For tests purposes I've separated the title for the TableView+Buttons, something like this (this was one of many different attempts).
Everything is working as expected except the View that has the TableView+Buttons, that is never higher than 17 pixels. If I define everything in one view, I have the same problem. I've tried defining the needed constraints but in that case there is a problem with a constraint that seems automatic called NSView-Encapsulated-Layout-Height, that forces the height to 17 pixels:
NSLayoutConstraint:0x61800008ea10 'NSView-Encapsulated-Layout-Height' > V:[NotesTable(17)] (Names: NotesTable:0x60000012e2e0 )
I'm not defining any constraint to 17 pixels, I've tried testing with some parameters that usually insert automatic constraints (autoresizesSubviews/translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints/autoresizingMask) but I was only able to translate that 'special' constraint to another format and the grow doesn't get bigger.
Tried to search the web but I only get cases where that Encapsulated constraint makes sense and is useful.
Do you know where or how can I disable that constraint or change its value to the height I need?