
I have a Question Eloquent Model, a Course Eloquent Model, a University Eloquent Model. A One to Many relationship exists between the University and the Course. A Many to Many relationship exists between the Question and the Course. The Three models are shown below:

Question Model

namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Question extends Model
     * The database table that the Model uses
     * @var string
    protected $table = "questions";

     * The fields that are mass assignable
     * @var array
    protected $fillable = ['title','body','images','quality_score','deactivated','creator_id','reviewer_id'];

     * Images is stored as serialized json.
     * So we cast it to a PHP array.
     * See: http://laravel.com/docs/5.1/eloquent-mutators#attribute-casting
    protected $casts = [
        'images' => 'array',

    public function courses(){
        return $this->belongsToMany('App\Course');

Course Model

namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Course extends Model
     * The database table used by the model
     * @var string
    protected $table  = "courses";

     * The fields that can be mass assigned
     * @var array
    protected $fillable = ['name', 'instructor', 'acronym', 'university_id', 'creator_id', 'reviewer_id'];

     * There exists a many to one relationship between the Course and User
     * This user is the creator of the course
     * @method void
    public function creator(){
        return $this->hasOne('App\User','creator_id');

     * There exists a many to one relationship between the Course and User
     * This user is the reviewer of the course
     * The reviewer of the Course will always be an admin
     * If an Admin is the creator, then the reviewer is also the same admin
     * @method void

    public function reviewer(){
        return $this->hasOne('App\User','reviewer_id');

     * There exists a one to many relationship between the University and the Course
     * This university is where the course is held
     * Courses may float i.e. not be associated to any university
     * @method void
    public function university(){
        return $this->belongsTo('App\University');

     * This method is an accessor. It automatically changes the acronym to be all capitals
     * regardless of how it is stored in the database.
     * See: http://laravel.com/docs/5.1/eloquent-mutators#accessors-and-mutators
     * @param $value (String from Database)
     * @return string (Capitalized String)
    public function getAcronymAttribute($value){
        return strtoupper($value);

University Model

namespace App;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class University extends Model
     * The database table used by the model
     * @var string
    protected $table = "universities";

     * The fields that can be mass assigned
     * name = Name of the University (Example: University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign)
     * acronym = Acronym of the University (Example: UIUC)
     * creator_id = Id of User that created the University
     * reviewer_id = Id of User that reviewed and approved the University
     * Universities will not be displayed to users without admin role unless they have been reviewed.
     * @var array
    protected $fillable = ['name','acronym','creator_id','reviewer_id'];

     * This method is an accessor. It automatically changes the acronym to be all capitals
     * regardless of how it is stored in the database.
     * See: http://laravel.com/docs/5.1/eloquent-mutators#accessors-and-mutators
     * @param $value (String from Database)
     * @return string (Capitalized String)
    public function getAcronymAttribute($value){
        return strtoupper($value);


On my home page I am showing a list of questions and allow filters for course and university. The controller method is shown here:

public function getHome(Request $request){

         * Eager Load with Course and University
        $questions = Question::with('courses.university')->get();

         * Filter Questions to remove unwanted entries based on course id
        if($request->has('course_id') && $request->input('course_id') != -1){
            $questions = $questions->filter(function($question) use ($request){
               foreach($question->courses as $course){
                   if ($course->id == $request->input('course_id')){
                       return true;

         * Filter Questions to remove unwanted entries based on university id
        if($request->has('university_id') && $request->input('university_id') != -1){
            $questions = $questions->filter(function($question) use ($request){
                foreach($question->courses as $course){
                    if ($course->university->id == $request->input('university_id')){
                        return true;

         * Return the Welcome View with Pagination on the Questions Displayed
         * List of Courses and List of Universities
        return view('welcome',[
            'questions' => $questions,
            'courses' => Course::all(),
            'universities' => University::all(),
            'selected_university_id' => $request->input('university_id',-1),
            'selected_course_id' => $request->input('course_id',-1)


What I am doing above is returning all the questions from the database and them combing them through to remove all the ones that don't match the filters. This is obviously quite inefficient. I want to use Nested Eager Loading with constraints except I am having a lot of trouble defining what the constraint would look like. Further, I want to use server side paginate to make the client experience better on lower speed internet connections.

Here is one of my attempts:

$questions = Question::with(['courses.university' => function($query) use ($request){
            if($request->has('university_id') && $request->input('university_id') != -1) {
                $query->where('id', $request->input('university_id'));

            if($request->has('course_id') && $request->input('course_id') != -1){

This works fine when I don't have any filters.

When I do have a university_id defined, I get the error: Trying to get property of non-object (View: /var/www/testing.com/resources/views/welcome.blade.php)

When I do have a course_id defined, I get the error: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'courses.id' in 'where clause' (SQL: select * from universities where universities.id in (1, 2) and courses.id = 1)

I expected the error when I have course_id defined (because I took a blind stab at the first argument of the $query->where method.

I am looking for help in defining the Nested Eager Loading Constraints.

You want the courses in the selected university. You can drop Univerisity completely from the query if you want. Give this a shot change $query->where('id', $request->input('university_id')); to $query->where('university_id', $request->input('university_id'));mdamia

1 Answers


I found the solution in a medium article. The solution works for later versions of laravel as it uses whereHas.

// If you want to put the constraint on the second relation
$questions = Question::with(['courses' => function($query) use($request){
  return $query->whereHas('university', function($inner_query) use($request){
    return $inner_query->where('id', $request->input('university_id'));
}, 'courses.university'])->paginate(10);

For your case, a simple whereHas ought to do the trick.

$questions = Question::whereHas('courses', function($query) use ($request){
  return $query->where('university_id', $request->input('university_id'));

I would also recommend using when clauses to reduce the amount of code.

$questions = Question::when(($request->has('course_id') && $request->input('course_id') != -1), function ($query) use($request){
  return $query->where('course_id', $request->input('course_id'));
})->when($request->has('university_id') && $request->input('university_id') != -1, function ($outer_query) use($request){
  return $outer_query->whereHas('courses', function($query) use($request){
    return $query->where('university_id', $request->input('university_id'));