I'm currently working on a program that takes a scale SVG file of a race track and uses the data to approximate the track as an array of points. Ideally, the absolute value of the slopes between any two consecutive points would be identical, as this would allow me to approximate the angle, arc length and radius to a known accuracy for use in calculating the maximum velocity around the curve.
The SVG uses a Bezier approximation with 2 control points. I have a function that takes a start point, 2 control points and an end point as well as the parametric variable t. I found the code for this here: Drawing Bezier curves using De Casteljau Algorithm in C++ , OpenGL
The result I'd like is that straights would consist of very few line segments (slope changes very little), while sharp turns would consist of many line segments (slope changes sharply). This would keep a constant accuracy in the calculations.
Using a constant step for t doesn't provide a constant slope between two points, which is a huge issue for the calculations. Is there any way to find the correct t value knowing the desired slope of the resulting line segment?