All the code below resolves to one simple em.persist(entity) call that fails, when everything I read says this should work. Everything behaves as expected until I call em.persist().
Can anyone see where I'm going wrong?
My database is MySql.
The relevant MySql database is "godb".
It contains a table named "loggedins".
I used PK INT(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY to Create the table's primary key.
I used the Glassfish Admin Console to:
Configure a Glassfish JDBC Connection Pool named "GoSQLPool". I gave it additional properties so that when I PING it I get "Ping Successful".
And I Configured a JDBC Resource named "jdbc/go". It uses "GoSqlPool". Its JNDI name is "jdbc/go"
This is my persistance.xml file:
<persistence xmlns=""xmlns:xsi=""
xsi:schemaLocation="" version="2.0">
<persistence-unit name ="goDataBase">
persistence.xml is deployed in an ear package, which is where I read it's supposed to be:
My entity bean is annotated as follows:
public class LoggedIn extends EntityParent implements Serializable, DataItemsValues {
public LoggedIn() { = ""; = ""; this.hash = "";
public LoggedIn(String id, String pw, String hash) { = id; = pw; this.hash = hash;
In case it matters, EntityParent is just an abstract class that reminds me I need to have get id, pw and hash methods in all entities whether they are for persisted fields or transient ones.
public abstract class EntityParent {
abstract public String getId ();
abstract public String getPw ();
abstract public String getHash();
My stateless java bean is annotated as follows:
public class LoggerBean {
@PersistenceContext(unitName = "goDataBase")
private EntityManager em;
This is the method in LoggerBean that throws the exception:
private Integer login (LoggedIn entity, String hash, String id,
String pw, StringBuffer sb)
throws GoExceptionServer {
String iAm = U.getIAmS (Thread.currentThread ().getStackTrace ());
sb.append("\r\n" + iAm + "beg");
try {
sb.append("\r\n " + iAm + "persiting entity: " + entity);
///////////THIS IS THE ONLY NON PRINTING CODE///////////////////
sb.append("\r\n" + iAm + "end");
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
sb.append("\r\n " + iAm + "caught: " + e.getClass().getName());
sb.append("\r\n " + iAm + "msg: " + e.getMessage());
sb.append("\r\n " + iAm + "cause : " + e.getCause());
sb.append("\r\n " + iAm + "Throwing a GoExceptionServer.");
sb.append("\r\n" + iAm + "end");
throw new GoExceptionServer(MessageValues.MSG_KEY_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION);
This is the log output from the above system.out statements:
LoggerBean.login.............................persisting entity: LoggedInBean: PK(null) MBR_ID(G) MBR_PW(G)
LoggerBean.login.............................caught: java.lang.IllegalStateException
LoggerBean.login.............................msg: Unable to retrieve EntityManagerFactory for unitName goDataBase
LoggerBean.login.............................cause : null
LoggerBean.login.............................Throwing a GoExceptionServer.
I'm lost. Can anyone suggest a way to make this work? The fact that the LoggedIn entity has a null PK (primary key field) bothers me, but since the table auto-generates them I can't assign one before it is persisted.
Any suggestions or corrections are appreciated.