I'm building an MVC application in ExtJs 4.2 and there is a window and a formpanel.
Form panel has few hidden textfields which i want to show/hide.
When I run this commands:
nothing is happening!!
Here is formpanel snippet:
Ext.define('crm.view.ObjectForm', {
extend : 'Ext.form.Panel',
header : false,
alias : 'widget.ObjectForm',
url : 'action.php',
id : "ObjectForm",
defaultType : 'textfield',
initComponent: function() {
Ext.apply(this, {
items : [
fieldLabel : 'label',
labelWidth : 115,
hidden : true,
allowBlank : true,
name : 'PartsSell',
itemId : 'PartsSell',
xtype : 'textfield',
vtype : 'DigitsVtype',
width : 150,
padding : '0 0 0 15'
/* other stuff */]
} );
} );
FF/chrome console behaves like everything is OK.
If i set 'hidden' param to 'false' the field is shown.
According to Tarabass and Drake advices:
I've changed id
on itemId
And now i can trigger field by
Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#PartsSell')[0].hide() / .show();
? – Paweł Głowaczid
"PartsSell" (you might be callingshow
not on the one you are looking at). Also note thatExt.widget
creates new components so not fit to your purpose. – Greendrakeid
s within component classes is extremely bad idea.id
s must be unique, and classes are supposed to be instantiated multiple times, so you already create the potential ofid
collision. If you have calledExt.widget('ObjectForm')
at least twice you definitely have it. – Greendrakeid
but field 'PartsSell' is absolutely unque, andExt.widget('ObjectForm')
is used only once, so the problem lies elsewhere...any thoughts? – Sergey Bogdanov