I am trying to do something (or so I thought) relatively simple. I have a simple shiny page with just a textInput box and an actionButton.
I want them both to appear in the center (vertically and horizontally) of the window.
The way I've started going about it is to use a fluidPage with two fluidRows, one for each element:
shinyUI(fluidPage(theme = "bootstrap.css",
column(8, align="center", offset = 2,
textInput("string", label="",value = ""),
tags$style(type="text/css", "#string { height: 50px; width: 100%; text-align:center; font-size: 30px;}")
column(6, align="center", offset = 3,
actionButton("button",label = textOutput("prediction")),
tags$style(type='text/css', "#button { vertical-align: middle; height: 50px; width: 100%; font-size: 30px;}")
I can get the button to appear in the center (horizontally) but not the textInput box. If I don't specify a width for the textInput, it is centered, but if I increase it extends it to the right and so no longer sits in the center. Ideally I'd like it to take up 100% of the width of the column (which is why I defined column size 8 and offset 2) just like the button, but when I specify a width as a percentage, it doesn't change.
In addition to this I'd like both the textInput and button to appear in the vertical center of the window, but I don't know how to approach that apart from putting in a dummy fluidRow before the first one to eat up some space.
Thanks for any help, I think I've probably spent more time trying to get this page to display properly than I have on the whole rest of the app.