
I have a Mac Mini on my local network that runs Xcode Bots for continuous integration.

Recently, these Bots stopped appearing in the Xcode Reports Navigator where they normally are located. I can no longer see the Bots' integration logs or tell them to "Integrate Now".

How can I fix this issue?


1 Answers


In my case, this issue seems related to the discoveryd clusterf*** in Mac OS X Yosemite.

Go to Xcode > Preferences > Accounts > Servers

When the Xcode Bots were not visible, Servers listed only "Mac mini (2)". This was apparently different than the current name/address of the Mac Mini on the local network.

Use Add Server... to re-add the Mac Mini Xcode Server with its new name/address.

You'll now have 2 Mac Minis listed under Servers. One of them will allow you to view the Xcode Bots on your local network.

Add Server to Xcode