
I was able to add a custom domain to a Azure deployment slot on one web app, but when I tried to add one to another, I keep getting:

The resource 'Microsoft.Web/sites/xxx(xxxx)' under resource group 'Default-Web-WestEurope' was not found

*Where xxx(xxxx) is my web app name and deployment slot.

I've tried to remake the deployment slot, I've recreated the web app but still no luck.

Are you in the correct region?timothyclifford
How are you trying to add the custom domain? From portal.azure.com or from a Powershell or REST Api?Zain Rizvi
@ZainRizvi From portal.azure.comTom O
@timothyclifford Yeah - I'm in the correct regionTom O

1 Answers


I managed to solve this by using the Azure Powershell using the following command:

Set-AzureWebsite -Name "xxx(xxxx)" -HostNames @('custom.domain.com')