I have spent big time on related questions/answers in stakcoverflow and android doc from google on about adding or deleting pages at RANDOM positions in FragmentStatePagerAdapter.
It works fine but fails for one scenario.
Scenario-1 that works:
Add, say, 4 pages (Fragments).
Delete the page at last position that is at position 3.
Add one more page at the end of page again.
Delete the page at last position that is at position 3.
…. I repeat this steps and it works perfectly fine.
But scenario-2 it fails:
Add, say, 4 pages (Fragments).
Delete any page other than last position, say, position 2. Works fine. Page is no more seen.
Add one more page at the end of page again. FAILED here..I see blank page.
I did analyse it to some extent and I could find that getItem() is not being called when it failed. As getItem() is the one which creates and returns the new fragment so it does not get the new fragment so it shows blank. I saw the implementation of instantiateItem() and observed that getItem() is not called if the size of the available no of fragments is more than the position requested to create the fragment for. But not sure when it happens or how.
Here is my getItem() and getItemPosition() from my adapter. I have my own set of ArrayList of fragments (FragmentStatePagerAdapter maintains it’s own set of fragment list)…mFragments is that in the below code. After I call notifyDataItemChanged() I observed.
public int getItemPosition(Object object) {
if (object instanceof InnerFragment) {
if (!mFragments.contains(object)) {
Log.d(TAG, "getItemPosition Frag " + object + " is REMOVED and item count is " + MainFragment.mPager.getChildCount());
} else {
Log.d(TAG, "getItemPosition Frag " + object + " is AVAILABLE and item count is " + MainFragment.mPager.getChildCount());
Log.d(TAG, "getItemPosition .....position of this fragment is : " + mFragments.indexOf(object));
return mFragments.indexOf(object);
Log.d(TAG, "getItemPosition object is not InnerFragment..");
return super.getItemPosition(object);
public Fragment getItem(int position) {
Log.d(TAG, "getItem for position " + position + "..create NEW FRAG and item count is " + MainFragment.mPager.getChildCount());
return createNewPage(position);
Please spare few mins and help me if you get any clue. below is the log snippets. First one is when I have deleted the page at 3rd position (which is middle of pages, not the last page). And seconds one is when I tried to add new page. You can observe getItem() is not called when I added page in second log snippet..
08-20 12:09:55.062 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ Places/count before handlePlaces : 6 and fragments : [InnerFragment{3e50591d #0 id=0x7f10008d}, InnerFragment{ccaf792 #1 id=0x7f10008d}, InnerFragment{16c61563 #2 id=0x7f10008d}, InnerFragment{3a6d7560 #3 id=0x7f10008d}, InnerFragment{229e6a19 #4 id=0x7f10008d}, InnerFragment{2a1cfade #5 id=0x7f10008d}]
08-20 12:09:55.062 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ Place deleted : 110665902
08-20 12:09:55.072 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ Places/count after handlePlaces : 5 and fragments : [InnerFragment{3e50591d #0 id=0x7f10008d}, InnerFragment{ccaf792 #1 id=0x7f10008d}, InnerFragment{16c61563 #2 id=0x7f10008d}, InnerFragment{229e6a19 #4 id=0x7f10008d}, InnerFragment{2a1cfade #5 id=0x7f10008d}]
08-20 12:09:55.072 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ getItemPosition Frag InnerFragment{3e50591d #0 id=0x7f10008d} is AVAILABLE and item count is 6
08-20 12:09:55.072 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ getItemPosition .....position of this fragment is : 0
08-20 12:09:55.072 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ getItemPosition Frag InnerFragment{ccaf792 #1 id=0x7f10008d} is AVAILABLE and item count is 6
08-20 12:09:55.072 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ getItemPosition .....position of this fragment is : 1
08-20 12:09:55.072 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ getItemPosition Frag InnerFragment{16c61563 #2 id=0x7f10008d} is AVAILABLE and item count is 6
08-20 12:09:55.072 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ getItemPosition .....position of this fragment is : 2
08-20 12:09:55.072 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ getItemPosition Frag InnerFragment{3a6d7560 #3 id=0x7f10008d} is REMOVED and item count is 6
08-20 12:09:55.072 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ destroyItem object InnerFragment{3a6d7560 #3 id=0x7f10008d}to be rmeoved from 3
08-20 12:09:55.072 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ getItemPosition Frag InnerFragment{229e6a19 #4 id=0x7f10008d} is AVAILABLE and item count is 6
08-20 12:09:55.072 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ getItemPosition .....position of this fragment is : 3
08-20 12:09:55.072 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ getItemPosition Frag InnerFragment{2a1cfade #5 id=0x7f10008d} is AVAILABLE and item count is 6
08-20 12:09:55.072 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ getItemPosition .....position of this fragment is : 4
08-20 12:10:10.152 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MainActivity﹕ all received for Place{placeId=119680744, placeName='Moskva', localName='null', latitude=55.75222, longitude=37.61556, moh=150, countryId=1426, categoryId=1552, categoryName='Hovedstad', country='Russia', priority=0, adm1='null', adm2='Moscow'}
08-20 12:10:15.152 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MainActivity﹕ all received for Place{placeId=113259163, placeName='Stockholm', localName='null', latitude=59.33258, longitude=18.0649, moh=21, countryId=428, categoryId=1552, categoryName='Hovedstad', country='Sweden', priority=0, adm1='Stockholm', adm2='Stockholm municipality'}
08-20 12:10:25.112 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ Places/count before handlePlaces : 5 and fragments : [InnerFragment{3e50591d #0 id=0x7f10008d}, InnerFragment{ccaf792 #1 id=0x7f10008d}, InnerFragment{16c61563 #2 id=0x7f10008d}, InnerFragment{229e6a19 #4 id=0x7f10008d}, InnerFragment{2a1cfade #5 id=0x7f10008d}]
08-20 12:10:25.112 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ New Place added : 105109562
08-20 12:10:25.112 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ Places/count after handlePlaces : 6 and fragments : [InnerFragment{3e50591d #0 id=0x7f10008d}, InnerFragment{ccaf792 #1 id=0x7f10008d}, InnerFragment{16c61563 #2 id=0x7f10008d}, InnerFragment{229e6a19 #4 id=0x7f10008d}, InnerFragment{2a1cfade #5 id=0x7f10008d}]
08-20 12:10:25.112 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ getItemPosition Frag InnerFragment{3e50591d #0 id=0x7f10008d} is AVAILABLE and item count is 5
08-20 12:10:25.112 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ getItemPosition .....position of this fragment is : 0
08-20 12:10:25.112 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ getItemPosition Frag InnerFragment{ccaf792 #1 id=0x7f10008d} is AVAILABLE and item count is 5
08-20 12:10:25.112 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ getItemPosition .....position of this fragment is : 1
08-20 12:10:25.112 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ getItemPosition Frag InnerFragment{16c61563 #2 id=0x7f10008d} is AVAILABLE and item count is 5
08-20 12:10:25.112 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ getItemPosition .....position of this fragment is : 2
08-20 12:10:25.112 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ getItemPosition Frag InnerFragment{229e6a19 #4 id=0x7f10008d} is AVAILABLE and item count is 5
08-20 12:10:25.112 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ getItemPosition .....position of this fragment is : 3
08-20 12:10:25.112 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ getItemPosition Frag InnerFragment{2a1cfade #5 id=0x7f10008d} is AVAILABLE and item count is 5
08-20 12:10:25.112 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ getItemPosition .....position of this fragment is : 4
08-20 12:10:25.122 3919-3919/ com.example.pack D/MyFragStatePagerAdapter﹕ instantiateItem for position 5 and item count is 5