I am trying to introduce a new ball into my pong game, sort of like a power up. I am writing all of my code in the Actions panel in the first frame. The new ball should appear on the stage and start moving around randomly like the original ball. Although I am using a code snippet and not .as file. So all of my code is in the Actions panel(Accessed by pressing f9).
I would also like my dynamic text box to merge with the stage colour so that you can't see the white background.
I can't show you what the fla looks like because I have less than 10 reputation, but the dynamic text box will not merge into the background and instead has a white surrounding. This hides the ball when the ball goes up.
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.ui.Mouse;
//hide mouse
init(); //initialises everything
var bSpeedX:int = -3.5;
var bSpeedY:int = -2.5;
// assign a maximum speed to the AI
var compPaddleSpeed:int = 3.5;
var pScore:int = 0;
var cScore:int = 0;
// Updates the score
function scoreUpdate():void {
playerScore.text = ("Player Score: " + pScore);
computerScore.text = ("AI Score: " + cScore);
function init():void //tells flash not to return values
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop);
/*we want the ySpeed to be larger if there
is a greater difference between the y
positions of the ball and paddle, so I started with
(gameBallY-padY). To convert this difference
into a number between -1 and 1, I divided
this number by 25, which
is half the height of the paddle. Finally, I wanted
the ySpeed to be more powerful than
just -1 to 1, and after a bit of trial and error
I decided to times by 5 at the end
to change the total magnitude of the new ySpeed.*/
//defying the laws of Physics
function calculategameBallAngle(padY:Number, gameBallY:Number):Number
var ySpeed:Number = 5 * ((gameBallY-padY) / 25 );
return ySpeed;
//main loop
function loop(e:Event):void
//makes the paddle track the mouse
playerPaddle.y = mouseY;
//paddle AI
if(compPaddle.y < gameBall.y - 10){
compPaddle.y += compPaddleSpeed;//make it go up
} else if(compPaddle.y > gameBall.y + 10){
compPaddle.y -= compPaddleSpeed;//make it go down
if( playerPaddle.hitTestObject(gameBall) == true ){
if(bSpeedX < 0){
bSpeedX *= -1;
bSpeedY = calculategameBallAngle(playerPaddle.y, gameBall.y);
} else if(compPaddle.hitTestObject(gameBall) == true ){
if(bSpeedX > 0){
bSpeedX *= -1;
bSpeedY = calculategameBallAngle(compPaddle.y, gameBall.y);
//makes the gameBall move
gameBall.x += bSpeedX; //each frame, we add the bSpeedX to the ball's x position.
gameBall.y += bSpeedY; //same for the bSpeedY to the ball's y postion.
// checks to see if the ball misses the paddle
if(gameBall.x <= gameBall.width/2){
gameBall.x = gameBall.width/2;
bSpeedX *= -1;
cScore ++;
//keeps the ball within the stage
} else if(gameBall.x >= stage.stageWidth-gameBall.width/2){
gameBall.x = stage.stageWidth-gameBall.width/2;
bSpeedX *= -1;
pScore ++;
if(gameBall.y <= gameBall.height/2){
gameBall.y = gameBall.height/2;
bSpeedY *= -1;
else if(gameBall.y >= stage.stageHeight-gameBall.height/2){
gameBall.y = stage.stageHeight-gameBall.height/2;
bSpeedY *= -1;
//keeps the player paddle within the stage
//check if paddle is above top of the screen
if(playerPaddle.y - playerPaddle.height/2 < 0){
playerPaddle.y = playerPaddle.height/2;
} else if(playerPaddle.y + playerPaddle.hieght/2 > stage.stageHeight){
playerPaddle.y = stage.stageHeight - playerPaddle.height/2;
//check if paddle is below bottom of the screen
} else if(playerPaddle.y + playerPaddle.height/2 > stage.stageHeight){
playerPaddle.y = stage.stageHeight - playerPaddle.height/2;
Show border around text
? And what this has to do with question title? – Paweł Audionysos