
sorry if now I can't provide all the details, but I'm trying to use NServiceBus on Azure Service Bus using the Basic configuration. NServiceBus fails on start because it tries to create a Topic and a Queue, and Basic mode of Azure Service Bus doesn't suport Topics. Any help or workaround? Thanks!


2 Answers


As Sean outlined, basic tier is currently not possible out of the box. But I'm curious to know why prefer Basic tier over Storage Queues?


I think you're talking about Basic Tier (pay).

Not with the current version of the ASB transport. Current version of transport only has one topology QueueAndTopicByEndpointTopology which is creating topics by default. You have two options: switch to Paid Tier or implement an alternative topology and use that (not a trivial task). Next version of transport will support more topologies and allow better mechanism to plug custom implementations.

But have you considered the following: without Topics you cannot have pub/sub. This would be a severe limitation when using bus architecture.