We're developing a smart cities service and want to use KeyRock for our users authentication. We don't want to use existing FIWARE Lab instance though, but create our own. The FIWARE catalogue states:
It can be integrated with any development, specially with any Cloud service.
I would expect that KeyRock would be a generic component, that would allow us to add Single Sign-On authentication to our services. After KeyRock installation, however, I can see it's highly tied to FIWARE Lab:
- there is a FIWARE Lab menu at the top,
- I can see FIWARE-related content on logging in page,
- as an admin I can set users' FIWARE Lab account type (trial, community).
Is my assumption, that KeyRock can be used outside of FIWARE Lab context correct? Is there a way to brand it to my own purposes and turn off the FIWARE Lab-related functionalities? Or should it only be used as a part of FIWARE Lab instance?