
I am trying to deploy a QT application into a iOS device,

Step1 : I downloaded the qtbase source code from the git hub https://github.com/qtproject/qtbase.git

Step2 : After the qtbase was downloaded i just went inside the folder qtbase and ran a command (am using mac mini-osx 10.10.4 yosemite)

./configure -xplatform macx-ios-clang -release

Step3 : then am running



make install

Step4 : The libraries are successfully built in /usr/local/QT 5.6/lib

Step5 : Now an creating a QT quick application and mentioning the clang-iphone kit.

Step6 : Now if I try to build ,it saying , ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: qml quick

Any help would be appreciated...

So you just compiled qtbase, not qtdeclarative?peppe
You've only compiled the modules that are in the base git module - so core, sql, gui, widgets... You need to compile the other modules that you need, too.Kuba hasn't forgotten Monica
@peppe: am new to qt...so can u explain what is qtdeclarative??Legolas
Why don't you just use the prebuilt packages? Anyhow, it's another git repository that you need to clone and compile (using the qmake you have when you installed qtbase).peppe

1 Answers


Try to install qtdeclarative5-dev package:

sudo apt install qtdeclarative5-dev

This worked for me